About Us
Blodgett Church of Christ
Allow me to give you an introduction to the Blodgett church of Christ nestled in the piney woods of northeast Texas located at the intersection of FM 127 & FM 21. We practice New Testament Christianity and use only the Bible as our source of doctrine.
Blodgett is a benevolent congregation who helps those that are genuinely in need. In addition we are evangelistically minded. We support several foreign mission efforts along with helping two homes for the children.
We find teaching for five elements of worship practiced by the New Testament church.
They are prayer, singing, communion (Lord's Supper), giving and teaching/preaching.
When you visit Blodgett, you will observe these practices.
PRAYER is an active part of the church family at Blodgett. Over the course of time we have had many prayers answered favorably.
SINGING is also an active part of our worship. We have accapella singing, i.e. without use of mechanical instruments. The reason for this is that we find no biblical authority for the use of the instrument.
COMMUNION is a time to reflect back on what Jesus, our Savior, did for us on the cross. We partake of this communion each Sunday because that was the practice of the New Testament disciples (Acts 20:7).
GIVING is another part of our weekly worship. This is a free-will offering by the local members of the congregation. Visitors are not expected to contribute.
PREACHING is part of our worship together. In Acts 20:7 we learned that the disciples came together to break bread and while together, Paul preached to them. Our preaching is Biblically based without the flare of entertainment. At Blodgett we seek worship in spirit and in truth.
We teach that a person needs to "obey the gospel" in order to be saved. Before a person can obey the gospel, he or she must hear the gospel. Christianity is a taught religion (Romans 10:17). We welcome the opportunity to visit and study the Bible with you either individually or by mail correspondence courses.
Blodgett is made up of good-hearted people of a good age mix. We are a congregation of godly people who enjoy one another’s fellowship. We frequently have congregational gatherings in addition to a first-Sunday-of-the-month covered-dish luncheon during most months. We have a “young-at-heart” group for our retired members who frequently have outings that offer both fellowship and fun. We have an active ladies group who take on a variety of projects one of which is making and distributing of “care bears.”
We encourage and invite you to come visit our services. Larry
Come Worship With Us!
Services Schedule
Sunday Bible Class 10am
Sunday Worship 11am & 6pm
Wednesday Bible Class 7pm

Larry Black
Let us know you’re out there!
Contact Blodgett Church of Christ today.
9278 FM 127, Pittsburg, TX 75686